Real Name: Everett Snowe
Created by: Marz Workman, 09-09-2019
Everett was one of the great heroes of the Golden Age, fighting along side the American General, Yellow Wolf, Captain Omega and others, fighting Nazis and other Axis armies across the world. He was also the defender of the city of Marston (like how I snuck that in there?) when he returned after the war.
Everett started his hero career by accident (don't they all?). He was a chemist working on a food additive that would preserve the food indefinitely in cans. The additive would encase the food inside the can, then the vacuum sealing of the can would preserve the additive.
One day, while checking the additive...um...adder, it failed forcing the chemical to go everywhere. It came in contact with electricity, and went from a malleable gel to a thick, highly tactile ooze.
While home, Everett began to experiment with his newfound discovery. He designed a "shooter" on an arm and rigged electrodes to the end of the shooter. Fail! He was trying to recreate what happened at the cannery, but just could not figure it out. He soon learned that he had to ionize the gel so it could receive the charge.
After weeks of working, he finally designed a "shooter" that could ionize the, now more liquid, gel and deliver an electrical charge to make it become flexible, strong and tacky.
When playing with the "shooter", he realized that his mess looked like a spider's web. Originally planning to market his new gadget as a toy, he instead designed a hero around the toy (as superheroes were popping up everywhere). He became the Black Arachnid, wearing a suit and Bowler hat, all black, with a silver lapel pin in the form of a spider. After a while of fighting street crime, he joined the other heroes, who suggested the circus suit to hero in. So, the tights were born, adorned with a golden circle topped with a black spider.
After the war and his return home, he fought street level crime again. He soon found himself battling a villain inside a lab. this evil bastard was trying to create a rip in space/time to consume the Earth. That failed, but did create a time portal into which Black Arachnid was sucked in.
Hello, and welcome to another exciting episode of "SCREWED". That's right, today's guest is the Black Arachnid!
Everett found himself thrust into an alternate future. Arriving in 2019, he had no idea what the hell was going on. He was confused and a little afraid. Luckily, he was found by the, still living, American General who immediately recognized him. He was brought to a government facility, questioned, and brought up to speed on the world today. He was also told of Max, the son he never had, who is a great ally to many heroes.
The American General brought Everett back into the hero game. Only, his "shooters" were not going to be enough. He was put through the Vitamin 2-X Program where he was given the Vitamin 2-X, a chemical acquired from Dr. Emil Franz that enhances the human body for limited amounts of time. Only now, it has been remastered into a gene therapy and only has to be administered once a month, instead of once a day.
Today, Everett trains with his new abilities and fights along side today's heroes. Even the son he never had.
Powers and Abilities
Equipment and Weapons
- Web "shooters" that project a high tack ooze. (Newer version using today's tech)
- Punch daggers that come out of wrist housing.
- a 360 degree warning system with a HUD and auditory warnings.
- Advanced high density molecular armor.
NotesThis is the 4th version of the Black Arachnid.
Black Arachnid 2.0 features in Black Arachnid in "The Stretchy Withdrawal", a flash fiction by Marz Workman.
Black Archnid 2.0 is an open source character free for anyone to use with no copyright restrictions
Black Archnid 2.0 is an open source character free for anyone to use with no copyright restrictions
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