Monday, October 14, 2019

Spideress (Open Source)

Real Name: Shanyn Raynes

Aliases: Spider Queen (II)

Created by: Marz Workman, 10-14-2019

Shanyn was digging around in her family's attic when she found a box with a costume, the “spider‐web fluid” formula and the set of bracelets her great-grandmother, Shannon Kane, invented. With these items were some news clippings of the Spider Queen. She took the items.

She made the formula and cleaned the bracelets to test if they still worked. Fortunately, they did still worked. She loaded them up an started practicing with them. She also began studying martial arts and gymnastics. After months of training, she decided to don the costume and fight crime as the second Spider Queen. After a few successful outings, she saw herself in the news feeds and on television. She noticed the costume looked dated, so she made an updated version. 

On one of her outings, she ran across the Black Arachnid (II). They happened to be chasing the same crook, so they teamed up and caught the guy. They began teaming and training more often, then, after revealing their identities to one another, they began dating. So, to better match with Max, she designed a new costume and changed her code name. 

At times, they have teamed with Black Arachnid (2.0) and Black Arachness. As a group, they call themselves The Arachnids.

She is a nurse at a local hospital.

trained acrobat, martial artist, and web slinger.
trained nurse.

a set of bracelets that shoot a "spider-web fluid" and a belt that houses many pellets and gadgets. Max has made her a new set of bracelets copied exactly from the originals, only made with better materials. She has archived the originals. 

Black Arachnid (II)
Black Arachnid 2.0
Black Arachness

Spideress' spider-web fluid formula is different from both Black Arachnids (which each has his own formula), although they all function nearly the same.

Spideress is an open source character free for anyone to use with no copyright restrictions.

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