Sunday, July 21, 2013

Mutant Sentai 5 (Open Source)

Real Name: <various>

Created by: Marz Workman, 7-21-13

10,000 years ago, an alien sorcerer battled and eventually imprisoned an ancient (even then) evil in order to save the galaxy from annihilation. The evil one was imprisoned within a cosmic crystal of nearly limitless power.

Over the millennia, the alien sorcerer learned to tap this power and transfer it to others. It would only empower those of a race that were different; mutants. And only then, it would select those whose mutations complimented, or balanced, each other, and enhancing their natural mutations.

Only selecting five, or six, at a time, the crystal selected many teams over the thousands of years, and only until the threat was vanquished. This would sometimes last days, or even years.

Now, the evil one has escaped, taking with him a portion of the power, and the crystal has chosen a new team…

Powers and Abilities
  • Each individual team member has his own power set.
  • The cosmic crystal enhances the team members’ powers, giving them the ability to gestalt, or merge together to form a more powerful being, and bonds them together empathically to make them better teammates, and friends.

Team Appearance
Each member of the team has his own color, symbol, theme or weapon, distinguishing them from each other. Their uniforms vary from archaic armor to brightly colored spandex to high tech war-suits. They must be recognizable as a team.


Teams can be from nearly any time period; from the ancient past, to the far future. Or a mixture of any in between. 

Weapons and Gear

With each having his/her own powers, I don't see much need for weapons. But, the choice is yours. Defensive gear is likely.

MUTANT SENTAI 5 is an "Open-Source Team of Characters" and has been deemed so, specifically, for use by anyone by the original creator, Marz Workman. The only rule about using it is that your work must have this notation:

"The team of MUTANT SENTAI 5 is available for use by anyone, with only one condition. This paragraph must be included in any publication involving MUTANT SENTAI 5, in order that others may use this property as they wish. All rights reversed."

ShMjo Sentai V (Open Source)

Real Name: <various>

Created by: Marz Workman, 7-21-13

Five Teenage girls find an ancient artifact that gives them super powers. They battle enemies of love and beauty. Each one has her own color and power. Their ages can vary from 10 to 18 years of age (ShMjo age).

Powers and Abilities
They share an empathic connection with one another
(ShMjo Pink) creates force fields, can heal and bestow love in others
(ShMjo Yellow) creates light and light objects
(ShMjo Green) controls plant life and earth
(ShMjo Blue) controls water and cold
(ShMjo White) controls air/weather, fly

ShMjo Sentai V is an "Open-Source Team of Characters" and has been deemed so, specifically, for use by anyone by the original creator. The only rule about using them is that your work must have this notation: 
"The characters of ShMjo Sentai V are available for use by anyone, with only one condition. This paragraph must be included in any publication involving ShMjo Sentai V, in order that others may use this property as they wish. All rights reversed."

Black Arachnid I & II (Open Source)

Real Names: ??? Snowe (Black Arachnid I), Max Snowe (Black Arachnid II)

Created by: Marz Workman, 9-22-09

Max Snowe is the son of the original Black Arachnid. His father trained him all of his life to continue the tradition. When his father was killed battling a villain, Max assumed his father's role as the Black Arachnid. Max is young, but capable of continuing his father's work.

Equipment and Weapons
  • cartridge launchers on his hands. He can load them with micro-netting coated in high-tack adhesives which acts as his spiderweb, micro-grappling hooks used for swinging, climbing, or repelling, and toxin dipped darts that can paralyse an opponent temporarily. 
  • his hands and soles of his feet have micro-hooks (similar to the micro-grappling hooks) he uses for clinging to objects. 
  • his belt holds replacement cartridges for his cart launchers, and a variety of "pellets"
This entry covers both Max Snowe and his father, the original Black Arachnid. 
This is the 1st and 2nd versions of Black Arachnid.

Black Arachnid is an "Open-Source Character" and has been deemed so, specifically, for use by anyone by the original creator. The only rule about using him is that your work must have this notation:
"The character of Black Arachnid is available for use by anyone, with only one condition. This paragraph must be included in any publication involving Black Arachnid, in order that others may use this property as they wish. All rights reversed."

Hero & Villain (Open Source)

Real Names: H-101 & V-101; respectively

Created by: Marz Workman, 11-6-12

Hero and Villain were designed and created by two scientists, one intent on selling the new tech as a bio weapon. After years of research and development, the project was a success. Intended to be a training aid to new superheroes, the Hero and Villain project soon became an object of financial gain. After several arguments over the matter, the greedy scientist took Villain and copies of the research. He soon began to use Villain for his own personal gains. The other scientist saw Villain on the news and activated Hero to stop him.

Powers and Abilities
Hero and Villain are cybernetic / genetic constructs. Their brains are cybernetic, as well as certain neural pathways. Their bodies are genetic blanks, and able to be programmed. They receive programming via a memory card, which is inserted into a port behind the left ear. They can be uploaded with skill sets, superhuman power sets, personalities, racial properties, and technical data, etc. They could be anyone, with any skills or powers, and know anything. They must have a memory card inserted to be active. Base OS programming only allows for normal organ and cellular function.

HERO & VILLAIN are "Open-Source Characters" and have been deemed so, specifically, for use by anyone by the original creator, Marz Workman. The only rule about using them is that your work must have this notation:
"The characters of the HERO & VILLAIN are available for use by anyone, with only one condition. This paragraph must be included in any publication involving HERO & VILLAIN, in order that others may use these properties as they wish. All rights reversed."

American General (Open Source)

Real Name: Lt. Gen. Joseph K. Parsons

Created by: Marz Workman, 6-11-2013

Joseph K. Parsons was a General in the United States Army during World War II. He led his troops in the battlefield. His men respected him greatly and would follow any command, not because they had to, but because they wanted to. He inspired his men. He was their leader, hero, and father-figure.
During a raid on a Nazi outpost, Joseph was injured and near death. The medics stabilized him as best they could. His men found a doctor. He patched up Joseph as best he could, telling his men there is nothing he could do to save his life. He was approached by a government scientist with a top secret formula. He was offered his health restored, and more, in exchange for top secret government service. He agreed and the drugs that would save his life were administered. His body began to heal within minutes, and was completely healed within a couple of days. Over the next several weeks, his individual cells were reverted back to their peak condition. Though in his late 50’s, he appeared to be in his twenties.
He later returned to the battlefield as the American General, and continued, with his men, through the end of the war. He then became a government agent during the Cold War involved in top secret and other work. He has been serving in this capacity ever since.

Powers and Abilities
Superhuman strength, enhanced senses, enhanced reflexes, enhanced thought processing and eidetic memory, constant cellular restoration
trained military marksman, trained in hand-to-hand combat, trained in ballistic and silent weapons, trained on military equipment (Sea, air, and land), other specialty training

Other  Thank you PD Hero Comics for the great video and attention. 

AMERICAN GENERAL is an "Open-Source Character" and has been deemed so, specifically, for use by anyone by the original creator. The only rule about using him is that your work must have this notation:
"The character of the AMERICAN GENERAL is available for use by anyone, with only one condition. This paragraph must be included in any publication involving AMERICAN GENERAL, in order that others may use this property as they wish. All rights reversed."

Yellow Wolf (Open Source)

Real Name: Barnaby Wolf

Created by: Marz Workman, 7-21-13

Golden Age Origin
Barnaby worked as a researcher at a local museum. He was working late one night when thieves broke in to steal artifacts. Barnaby caught them and attempted to fight them off. He was thrown across the storeroom and into a shelf. A box fell on him and opened. The medallion inside fell out onto his chest. As he grabbed it, it began to glow. The glow then covered his entire body.

The thieves were hauling artifacts out to a truck when Barnaby appeared and began taking out the crooks. Soon, they were all defeated. Barnaby realized he wasn’t the same. He looked at his clawed hands, then at the thieves. He fled into the night.

He becomes a superhero and fights crime in the streets, and later, in the war. He carries two tonfas which he usually carries on his back.

Powers and Abilities
Werewolf powers:
* Instinctive nature
* Retractable claws in fingertips
* Enhanced strength, speed, agility, reflexes, and senses
* Night-vision
* Rapid healing
* All powers increase or decrease with the phases of the moon, peaking at the full moon
* Makes a partial wolf-turn during the full moon
* Skilled/experienced fighter, tracker, and hunter
* Superhuman leaping

* Feral Mind
* Silver

Yellow Wolf is an "Open-Source Character" and has been deemed so, specifically, for use by anyone by the original creator. The only rule about using him is that your work must have this notation:

"The character of Yellow Wolf is available for use by anyone, with only one condition. This paragraph must be included in any publication involving Yellow Wolf, in order that others may use this property as they wish. All rights reversed."