Real Name: Dr. November Ross
Created by: Marz Workman, 11-01-2019
November was born in 1910 to a scholar father and an at-home mother. He was named "November" because he was born in the month of November. He was raised well and educated. After he had gone to university, his parents were killed amid gangster activity. He took a year off from school to sort out his business and grieve. He went on to complete his education and worked with a senior scientist.
After a few years, he began working on his own projects from his own lab at his home. During this time, in 1939, he was called to a farm to investigate a meteor that crashed in a field. He took the meteor to his lab. After a few tests, the meteor cracked open and a blue glow emitted from the crack. What was thought to be a rocky shell was actually a metal casing submitted to lots of abuse. Inside was what looked like a vacuum tube filled with a liquid that emanated blue light.
He went on to build a device to test the energy output capabilities of the tube. When he plugged it into the device, it did as expected and powered his experiment, even overloading the capacitor. Once the smoke cleared, the tube began to flicker. He then realized that it was trying to communicate. He built another device that had all sorts of gauges, printable readouts, and even a speaker. He plugged in the tube, and heard a voice. It told him that it was a "liquid energy" called Evadeium and that its container was made to match the current Earth technology. He eventually called the tube the Evadeium Volatile Energy Transmitter, or, E.V.E.T.
In the early 1940's, with the rise of the "super hero" and villains, November designed several devices he could use to aid the heroes on occasion, not going out of his way to become a hero, and devices he experimented with to further his knowledge. The heroes dubbed him "Doctor Energy". He sometimes got caught in his own adventures, and even joined a team of heroes, but his passion was science and he mainly served in a reserve capacity. He designed gadgets for his fellow heroes and even designed the headquarters powered by E.V.E.T. When they called on November, s**t just got real.
He eventually became the base leader of the team.
- scientist, educated in many fields, including Engineering and Quantum, Astro-, Applied and Theoretical Physics of the early 20th century.
- skilled fighter
- Evadeium Volatile Energy Transmitter (E.V.E.T.): a glowing vacuum tube filled with "liquid energy" that plugs into a variety of devices and can access most forms of energy, known and unknown. Some of these devices focus and emit that energy from an electrode apparatus on the device, and other devices channel the energy to power equipment in the lab. It can also detect energies, gases, temperatures, etc. It also talks to Doctor Energy through a speaker on each device and warns him of danger, questions his motives, and, occasionally, makes fun of him. It seems to have an unlimited energy capacity.

- a variety of small gadgets and parts kept in his utility belt
- a pistol that emits a noxious gas that temporarily affects his enemies.
E.V.E.T. exists into the modern time, having been passed down from teacher to student, father to son, etc. E.V.E.T. has never failed in 80 years.
E.V.E.T. can be used to power any sort of real or imagined device for your stories creating all sorts of adventures for November, or your own characters who later owned E.V.E.T.
Please include the below paragraphs with your work.
Doctor Energy is an open source character free for anyone to use with no copyright restrictions. Creator citations are not required, but would be greatly appreciated.
E.V.E.T. is an open source character object free for anyone to use with no copyright restrictions. Creator citations are not required, but would be greatly appreciated.